2024-07-09 14:08

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HSE Release Death And Injuries Stats - Increase In Both

Derek Maylor, retired CWU member, Grter Merseyside Amal in highlighting the latest report from the HSE concerning workplace deaths and injuries in Great Britain; told Unionsafety:

"Worker deaths up, significantly in the over 60s range who make up far less of the national workforce"

But, as all Union Safety Reps are aware, these 'official' figures are not accurate in terms of the whole picture of worker's deaths and injuries in this country.

The UK has one of the worst sick and injured workforce records in Europe, and yet, the HSE does nothing to ensure Employers are adhearing to H&S at work legislation; with fewer than ever workplace inspections and investigations. Indeed, unless a worker loses a limb, or is killed at work, the HSE is nowehere to be seen.

Furthermore, deaths and injuries whilst travelling to or for work, is NOT counted within the workplace stats whether that be by road, rail or air.

Highlights from the HSE stats are:

138 workers killed in work-related accidents in 2023/24

Fatal injuries to workers by main industry (2023/24)

The construction and agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors continue to account for the greatest number of workers killed in fatal accidents each year, between them accounting for just over half of all fatal injuries to workers in 2023/24.

image: HSE fatal injuries by industry

Fatal injuries to workers by gender and age (2023/24)

Male workers continue to account for the vast majority of fatal injuries, with 95% of workers fatally injured in 2023/24 being men, a similar proportion to earlier years. Furthermore, deaths to workers aged 60 and over continue to account for a substantial proportion of the total - 34% in 2023/24.

image: HSE Stats by Age

The full report can be downloaded by clicking on the pics above, or by searching the Unionsafety E-Library where you will find documents and reports relating to worker's health and safety.

Source: HSE / Derek Maylor

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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